Data ini bersumber dari Wekipedia, berdasar tahun 2008.
Countries with the greatest proportion of Muslims from Islam by country (as of 2008):
Saudi Arabia 100% (95% Sunni, 5% Shi'a) (foreign workers are excluded)
Somalia 100% (Sunni)
Afghanistan 100% (95% Sunni, 5% Shi'a)
Yemen 99.9% (65-70% Sunni, 30-35% Shi'a)
Mauritania 99.9% (mostly Sunni)
Maldives 99.33% (mostly Sunni) (foreign workers are excluded)
Oman 100% (50% Ibadhi, 50% Sunni) (foreign workers are excluded)
Djibouti +99% (mostly Sunni)
Tunisia 99% (mostly Sunni)
Algeria 99% (mostly Sunni)
Turkey 98.25% (83% Sunni, 15% Shia)
Bahrain 98% (50%Sunni and 50%shi'a) (foreign workers are excluded)
Comoros 98% (mostly Sunni)
Morocco 98.4% (mostly Sunni)
Niger +95% (95% Sunni and Sufi)
Iran 98% (mostly Shi'a)
Pakistan 96.8% (75-80% Sunni, 20-25% Shi'a)
Iraq 97.8% (55% Shi'a, 45% Sunni)
Libya 100% (Sunni)
Egypt 94.7% (Sunni)
Qatar 100%
Kuwait 100%
United Arab Emirates 100%
Azerbaijan 93.6% (mostly Shia)
Syria 90% (85% Sunni, 15% Shi'a)
Bangladesh 89.5% (mostly Sunni)
Countries with the greatest proportion of Christians from Christianity by country (as of 2008):
Vatican City 83% (83% Roman Catholic)
Federated States of Micronesia ~56%
Samoa ~100%
Panama ~ 76%
Romania 99.5%
East Timor 34.2% (90% Roman Catholic)
Armenia 98.7% (Armenian Apostolic 94.7%, other Christian 4%)
Bolivia 98.3% (95% Roman Catholic)
Venezuela 98.2% (mostly Roman Catholic)
Malta 98.1% (mostly Roman Catholic)
Marshall Islands 97.2%
Peru 97.1%
Paraguay 96.9% (mostly Roman Catholic)
Papua New Guinea 96.4%
Kiribati 96%
Angola +95%
Barbados +95.1%
Cyprus 95.3%(mostly Greek Orthodox)
Mexico 94.5% (mostly Roman Catholic)
Colombia 94.% (mostly Roman Catholic)
Guatemala +90.2% (50-60% Roman Catholic and ~30% Protestant, 0-10% non-Christian)
Philippines +90.7% (Roman Catholic,Protestant)
Countries with the greatest proportion of Hindus from Hinduism by country (as of 2008):
Nepal 86.5%
India 80.5%
Mauritius 54%
Guyana 28%
Fiji 27.9%
Bhutan 25%
Trinidad and Tobago 22.5%
Suriname 20%
Sri Lanka 15%
Bangladesh 9.2%
United Arab Emirates 7%
RĂ©union 6.7%
Malaysia 6.3%
Singapore 5.1%
Pakistan 3.3%
Oman 3%
Belize 2.3%
Seychelles 2.1%
Indonesia 2%
Countries with the greatest proportion of Buddhists (included other folk religions) from Buddhism by country (as of 2008):
Cambodia 96% (Theravada, Muslim 3%, Christian and other 2%)
Thailand 94.6% (Theravada, Muslim 4%, Christian 0.7%, other 0.3%)
Mongolia 90% (Tibetan Buddhism, Muslim 5%, Christian and other 5%)
Hong Kong Triple religion 90% (10% practising) ("Triple religion", Christian and others 7%)
Myanmar 89% (Theravada, Christian 4%, Muslim 4%, Animism or other 2%)
Vietnam 85% (15% practicing)("Triple religion", Christian 7%, Cao Dai 3%, other 3%)
Macau 85% ("Triple religion", Christian 6%, Atheist or other 3%)
Laos 67%-98% (67% Theravada with 31% traditional animist.)
People's Republic of China 50-+80% (8% practicing) (Triple religion, Atheist 10.5%, Christian 4%, Muslim 1.5%)
Bhutan +66-75% (Lamaistic, Hindu 25%)
Christmas Island 75% (Triple religion, Christian 12%, Muslim 10%, other 3%)
Sri Lanka 70% (Theraveda, Hindu 15%, Christian 7.5%, Muslim 7.5%)
Republic of China (Taiwan)35.1-75% ("Triple religion", Christian 4%, other 2%)
Singapore 33-44% ("Triple religion" 33% Buddhist, 11% Taoist)
Japan 20-45%(Shinto with Mahayana) (20% to 45% believe in Buddha)
Malaysia 23% (Muslim 60.3%, "Triple religion", Christian 9%, Hindu 6%, other 1.7%)
South Korea 22.8%(Mahayana with Confucianist, Christian 29%, other)
Brunei 15% (Muslim 67%, "Triple religion", Christian 10%, other 8%)
Nepal 11.4% (Hindu 80.6%, Tibetian Buddhist, Muslim 4%, other 4%)
Countries with the greatest proportion of Jews (as of 2007):
Israel 77.6%
Monaco 3%
United States 2.8%
Gibraltar 2.1%
Cayman Islands 1.71%
Netherlands Antilles^ 1.3%
France 2%
Canada 1.1%
Belarus 1%
Argentina 0.8%
Hungary 0.8%
Uruguay 0.75%
Russia 0.6%
United Kingdom 0.5%
Australia 0.5%
Netherlands 0.3%
Germany 0.3%
Georgia 0.25%
Irreligious & Atheist
Countries with the greatest proportion of people without religion (including Agnostics and Atheists) from Irreligion by country (as of 2007):
Japan 64–88% (76%)
Sweden 46-85% (65.5%)
Denmark 43-80% (61.5%)
Macau 60.9%
Czech Republic 54–61% (57.5%)
Hong Kong 57%
France 43-64% (53.5%)
Norway 31–72% (51.5%)
Estonia 49%
Netherlands 39-55% (47%)
Finland 28–60% (44%)
United Kingdom 31–52% (41.5%)
South Korea 30-52% (41%)
Germany 25-55% (40%)
Hungary 32-46% (39%)
Belgium 42-43% (38.75%)
New Zealand 34.7%
Bulgaria 34-40% (37%)
Slovenia 35-38% (36.5%)
Russia 13–48% (30.5%)
Taoists/Confucianists/Chinese traditional religionists
Republic of China (Taiwan) 33-80%
People's Republic of China 30%
Hong Kong 28%
Macau 13.9%
Singapore 8.5%
Malaysia 2.6%
South Korea 0.2-1%
Philippines 0.01-0.05%
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